Archived from Job Opportunities on 01/29/2025:
Technical Support Positions
The Acton Water District is seeking one or more individuals to join our team. You must be an organized, energetic, and self-motivated individual with strong customer service and communication skills to be part of our team. Under the general supervision of the District Manager, these positions will support the science, engineering, and community outreach functions of our organization. These are full-time positions with some night and weekend work required. Excellent benefits, supportive work environment, and salary dependent on qualifications (to be negotiated). The positions will remain open until suitable candidates are hired to round out our team. To learn more about our organization, please visit Job descriptions are available below along with the anticipated minimum starting salary.
A cover letter and resume should be emailed to Matthew Mostoller with the position you are interested in as the Subject Line of the email.
Project Engineer Starting at $79,040/year
Environmental Analyst Starting at $58,240/year
Provides engineering support for all District activities, including implementing operational changes that have service impact, supporting emergency response, supporting maintenance planning, acting as liaison to design and construction projects, and supporting start-up of new/rehabilitated facilities. Additional details can be obtained by clicking the link above.
Assists the District and/or Environmental Compliance Manager and other staff with administration of the following programs: water quality, regulatory compliance, conservation and efficiency, source protection, and community outreach. Additional details can be obtained by clicking the link above.
Archived from home page on 11/18/2024:
For Sale by Sealed Bid
2010 Chevrolet Silverado 3500 4 x 4, Utility body, 116,000 miles, needs battery, being sold "as is".
The vehicle is available for inspection at 693 Massachusetts Avenue, Acton, MA 01720 until November 15, 2024 at 10:00 am.
Sealed bids will be accepted at the Water Supply District of Acton, 693 Massachusetts Avenue, Acton, MA 01720 until November 15, 2024 at 11:00 am. At that time, bids will be publicly opened at the Water Supply District of Acton Conference Room, located at 693 Massachusetts Avenue, Acton, MA 01720. Winning bidder should be prepared to purchase within 7 days by a certificed check. The Water Supply District of Acton reserves the right to reject any and all bids that are not in the best interest of the District.
Archived from home page on 10/29/2024:
Fall 2024 Flushing Update
Routine flushing is complete for the Fall 2024 flushing program. The District will be conducting a flow test around 9 AM on Wednesday October 23rd in the area of Powdermill and Sudbury Road.
(Effective 10/01/2024)
Effective October 1, 2024, the District has lifted all outdoor water use restrictions that were required by our Water Management Act permit. We urge customers to be mindful of water use as we head into October due to water main flushing and ongoing limitations from PFAS in our sources of supply. As you begin cleaning up your yard this fall, don’t forget to properly winterize your plumbing system, especially outdoor hoses and irrigation systems. Remove your hose and make sure the spigot is fully off, many times a shut off valve exists inside your home to protect the spigot from freezing. If you have an irrigation system, make sure it is properly shut off and drained. Finally, if any of your home plumbing is in drafty or unheated areas, add insulation to prevent freeze ups and broken pipes during the coldest winter nights. These actions can prevent damage to your home and property as well as save you from high water bills due to leaks and breaks after your water meter. Updates on the status of our outdoor water use restrictions will be communicated on our website, through our WaterSmart program, and via Facebook and Twitter.
Technical Support Job Opportunities
The Acton Water District is seeking one or more individuals to join our team. Under the general supervision of the District Manager, these positions will support the science, engineering, and community outreach functions of our organization. The positions will remain open until suitable candidates are hired to round out our team.
Archived on 10/21/2024:
Fall Water Main Flushing 2024
*The Fall 2024 Water Main Flushing program was completed on 10/16/24.
The Acton Water District will begin its fall water main flushing program on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, and will continue through the month of October. We will be flushing water mains southeast of Rt. 2/111, and east of Main Street/Rt 27 (South Acton) to the Maynard town line including High Street, School Street, Parker Street, and interconnecting streets throughout that quadrant of town.
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, October 14th due to the Indigenous People’s Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and to clean mineral deposits from the pipes to minimize future incidents of discolored water.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Flushing Timeline | ||
(subject to change based on our progress) |
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 10/01/24-10/31/24 | |
10/01/2024 | No flushing this week | |
10/07/2024 |
Main Street towards Nylander, dead end streets (Red Hawk Trail, Sylvia, Pine, Centennial, Colonial Path, Albertine), then towards Conant to Country Club. |
10/08/2024 |
School and River Street; Piper Road as time allows |
10/09/2024 |
School Street, Maddy Lane and Sandy Drive |
10/10/2024 |
No flushing today |
10/15/2024 |
Parker Street, Ayer, Old Meadow, Brookside |
10/16/2024 |
Parker Street, Putter Drive and Robert Road areas |
10/17/2024 |
No flushing today |
10/21/2024 |
Flushing completed on 10/16/2024 |
Archived on 10/1/24:
In December 2023, the District received its long-awaited draft Water Management Act (WMA) permit, which included a condition requiring the District to revise its existing seasonal outdoor water use restriction program to align with the stricter limits set forth in the draft permit. To adopt and implement the controls necessary to do this, the District proposed revisions to the District’s Bylaws at the March 20, 2024 Annual District Meeting, which voters unanimously approved. This new outdoor water use restriction program replaces the typical 3 day per week odd/even watering restriction that has been the default for over two decades. The final amended WMA permit was received on May 3, 2024.
The new permit conditions require us to monitor the stream gauge on Nashoba Brook in North Acton. The gauge has been below the 7-day low flow trigger of 0.57 cubic feet per second (cu ft/s) for three consecutive days. This requires us to limit non-essential water use to one day per week until the 7-day low flow is greater than or equal to 0.57 cu ft/s for seven consecutive days.
The District would also like to remind customers of the 50% rate increase approved by the Board on January 22, 2024 to support the budget approved by voters at the Annual District Meeting. A copy of the approved budget can be found here. This rate increase applies to the volumetric portion of the water bill, effective with the July 2024 bill, which will represent water used between March and June 2024. Water bills are not expected to increase by 50% due to the structure of the bill; rather, the average water user can anticipate a net increase of approximately 17%. In addition to the volumetric rate, your water bill includes both a fixed service charge and a debt fee which rises and falls relative to the debt payments the District must make. The service charge will remain at $15 per unit per quarter. The debt fee will be reduced from the current $72.50 per unit per quarter down to $66 per unit per quarter. Please be aware of this increased cost as you begin utilizing water outdoors for the season. You can find more information on the rate increase at
Between May 1 and September 30, 2024, nonessential outdoor water uses that are subject to mandatory restrictions include lawn irrigation via aboveground sprinklers and automated irrigation systems, pool filling, vehicle washing (except in a commercial car wash) and washing of exterior surfaces (i.e. power washing). These activities are restricted to one day per week before 7AM and after 7PM. No outdoor water use is permitted on Mondays. Any violations will be subject to a fine of up to $200 per incident.
Please note that hand watering of lawns, gardens, and ornamental plantings is not subject to mandatory restrictions. Watering via harvested rainwater, a private well, or other privately owned water source is also exempt from mandatory restrictions. Limiting these activities to before 7AM and after 7PM remains encouraged as a best practice.
We thank you for your cooperation and any water conservation efforts that you observe. Updates on the status of our outdoor water use restrictions in the imminent future will be communicated on our website, through our WaterSmart program, and via Twitter and Facebook @ActonWater.
Nonessential outdoor water use, 1 day per week, before 7am and after 7pm.
Tuesday: North Acton – North of Brook Street including Great Road from Brook Street to Littleton line
Wednesday: Acton Center/East Acton – North of Route 2 to South of Brook Street (562 Main Street follows this schedule) including Pope Road and Great Road to Concord line
Thursday: West Acton – South of Route 2 and West of Main Street (even side of Main Street follows this schedule)
Friday: South Acton – South of Route 2 and East of Main Street (odd side of Main Street follows this schedule)
Need help figuring out which days you may use water outdoors?
Use the map above to find your address, enter your address below, or call the office at (978) 263-9107.
Remember that now is a great time to make sure your irrigation system is properly programmed and ready for the spring. Be sure to check your system for leaks and broken and inefficient heads and test your backflow prevention device. Any property observed not abiding by the mandatory restrictions is subject to fines and possible loss of outdoor water use. Do not depend solely on your contractor to properly manage your irrigation system controller. If you are travelling and unable to manage your irrigation system remotely, consider shutting it off prior to your absence.
Healthy established lawns only require up to one inch of water per week during the height of the growing season and benefit from one long soaking versus multiple short soakings. Before irrigating, check that your lawn needs it by looking at recent and forecast rainfall amounts, checking soil moisture at a 6-inch depth, and seeing if footprints remain visible when you walk on the grass.
Thank you for your continued assistance and cooperation in using Acton’s water resources wisely. It takes the entire community to enable a safe, sufficient, and reliable supply of water.
For additional information on local hydrological conditions and weekly drought status updates, please visit these links:
Archived on 6/3/2024:
The Acton Water District is seeking an organized, energetic, self-motivated individual with strong customer service and communication skills to be part of our team. Under the general supervision of the District Manager, the Deputy District Manager will assist in the administration of the District with a focus on various aspects of water resources planning, asset management, and capital projects. This is a full-time position with some night and weekend work required. Excellent benefits, supportive work environment, and salary (starting at $107K) will be dependent on qualifications. Applications received by February 7, 2024 will be given priority consideration.
A cover letter and resume should be emailed to Matthew Mostoller.
Click for a full job description
The Acton Water District is looking to fill one of the following two positions on our operations team. The position will remain open until filled. A cover letter and resume should be emailed to Matthew Mostoller. No phone calls please.
The Acton Water District is seeking an organized, energetic, self-motivated individual with strong mechanical aptitude and communication skills to be part of our team. Under the general supervision of the Assistant Foreman, the Laborer will assist in the maintenance of the buildings and grounds of the District, distribution/storage system, four water treatment plants, and multiple pumping stations. This is a full-time position, requiring some overtime and emergency response. Excellent benefits with a starting hourly rate (up to $23) will be dependent on qualifications.
Click for a full job description
The Acton Water District is seeking an organized, energetic, self-motivated individual with strong mechanical aptitude and communication skills to be part of our team. Under the general supervision of the Assistant Foreman, the Operator will assist in the operation of the distribution/storage system, four water treatment plants, and multiple pumping stations. The position requires a minimum of a D2 and T2 water operator license. Backflow testing and level 2B hoisting licenses desirable. This is a full-time position, requiring some overtime and emergency response, with the expectation to go on scheduled rotating call after a probationary period. Excellent benefits and hourly rate (starting at $27) will be dependent on qualifications.
Click for a full job description
The spring water main flushing program was completed on Thursday, 5/2/2024.
The Acton Water District will begin its spring water main flushing program on Monday, April 8, 2024, and will continue through the month of April. We will be flushing water mains in West Acton, which is roughly the area southwest of Route 2 and west of Main Street (Route 27) to the Boxborough town line. This will include neighborhoods near and adjacent to Massachusetts Avenue/Route 111, Central Street, Arlington Street, as well as intersecting streets and neighborhoods.
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, April 15th due to the Patriots’ Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and to clean mineral deposits from the pipes to minimize future incidents of discolored water.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter and Facebook @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Flushing Timeline (subject to change based on our progress) |
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 04/08/2024 - 04/30/2024 | |
04/08/2024 | Ethan Allen Drive and surrounding areas | |
04/09/2024 | Arlington towards Squirrel Hill and surrounding areas (Duggan, Townsend, Smart, Olde Lantern, Grist Mill) | |
04/10/2024 | Arlington, Willow and Homestead areas | |
04/11/2024 | Massachusetts Avenue, Mead Terrace, Wright Terrace and Central Street as time allows | |
04/15/2024 | Holiday - No Flushing | |
04/16/2024 | West Acton Center Areas (Windsor, Central Street, Mass Ave, Kinsley, Baxter, Frasier, Arlington, Spruce and Elm Street) | |
04/17/2024 | Central, Littlefield, Elm; Indian Village Area as time permits | |
04/18/2024 | Indian Village Areas; finish up Elm, Arlington, Perkins and Kennedy Lane as time allows | |
04/22/2024 | No Flushing | |
04/23/2024 | No Flushing | |
04/24/2024 | No Flushing | |
04/25/2024 | No Flushing | |
05/01/2024 | St. James, Hennessey, Mallard, Flint and Spencer | |
05/02/2024 | Hayward Road | |
2024 Proposed Bylaws
Article 24 of the 2024 Annual District Meeting Warrant read:
"To see if the District will vote to amend the District Bylaws by replacing the current District ByLaws in whole with the proposed District Bylaws dated February 26, 2024. The full text of the proposed Bylaw is available at"
General Notice
Acton Water District (Owner) is requesting Bids for the construction of the following Project:
Assabet Well No.3 Connection
General Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the Wright-Pierce Online Plan Room until Thursday, December 16, 2021 at 11:00 AM local time. A conference call will be held at 11:00 AM and bids will be publicly opened and read. A link to the conference call will be sent to all registered plan holders prior to the bid opening. If anyone else wishes to attend, please contact Wright-Pierce to request a meeting link.
File Sub-Bids for the construction of the Project will be received at the Wright-Pierce Online Plan Room until Monday, December 6, 2021 at 11:00 AM local time. A conference call will be held at 11:00 AM and bids will be publicly opened and read. A link to the conference call will be sent to all registered plan holders prior to the bid opening. If anyone else wishes to attend, please contact Wright-Pierce to request a meeting link.
The Project includes the following Work:
This project includes the connection of the Assabet Well No.3 source to the South Acton Water Treatment Plant. In general, but not limited to, the work consists of the installation of approximately 180 linear feet of 8-inch ductile iron water main, and directionally drilling approximately 650 linear feet of 8-inch HDPE for electrical and 8-inch HDPE for water. This work includes the installation of a well pump, pitless adapter, level transducer, flow meter vault, site piping, valves, hydrant assembly, and appurtenances; and associated electrical and instrumentation to connect the source to the South Acton Water Treatment Plant.
Owner anticipates that the Project’s total bid price will be approximately $950,000.
Obtaining the Bidding Documents
Information and Bidding Documents for the Project can be found at the following designated website:
Bidding Documents may be downloaded from the designated website in PDF format at no cost. Paper copies of the Bidding Documents may be ordered from this website at an additional cost at the Bidders option.
To be considered a responsive Bidder, the Bidder shall have obtained at least one set of Bidding Documents from the Issuing Office using the name that is to appear on the Bid Form. The designated website will be updated periodically with addenda, lists of plan holders, reports, and other information relevant to submitting a Bid for the Project. All official notifications, addenda, and other Bidding Documents will be offered only through the designated website. Neither Owner nor Engineer will be responsible for Bidding Documents, including addenda, if any, obtained from sources other than the designated website. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to check the designated website for addenda.
Instructions to Bidders
For all further requirements regarding funding agency notifications, funding agency requirements, bid submittal, qualifications, procedures, and contract award, refer to the Instructions to Bidders that are included in the Bidding Documents.
The bidding and award of this Contract will be under the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 44A-44J. Complete instructions for filing Bids and Sub-Bids are included in the Instructions to Bidders.
In accordance, with M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 44D, General Bids will be valid only when accompanied by; (1) a current certificate of eligibility issued by the Division of Capital Asset Management (DCAM), showing that the General Bidder has the classification of Pumping Stations and a capacity to perform this work and (2) an update statement summarizing the General Bidder's record for the period between the latest DCAM certification and the date the bid is submitted. In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 44D, Filed Sub-bids will be valid only when accompanied by; (1) a current certificate of eligibility issued by the DCAM, showing that the Sub-Bidder has the corresponding category of work and a capacity to perform this work and (2) an update statement summarizing the Sub-Bidder's record for the period between the latest DCAM certification and the date the Sub-bid is submitted.
Each General Bid and Sub-bid shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and shall be accompanied by a Bid Security in the amount of 5 percent of the Bid. The following filed Sub-bids are required for this work:
No Bidder may withdraw their Bid for a period of thirty (30) days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays after the actual date of the opening of the General Bids. This advertisement does not obligate the Owner for any costs associated with preparing or submitting bids.
The successful General Bidder must furnish a 100 percent Performance Bond and a 100 percent Payment Bond with a surety company acceptable to the Owner.
Minimum wage rates as determined by the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, Department of Labor Standards (DLS) under the provisions of M.G.L., Chapter 149, Section 26 to 27D, as amended, apply to this project. It is the responsibility of the contractor, before bid opening, to request if necessary, any additional information on Prevailing Wage Rates for those trades people who may be employed for the proposed work under this contract.
The Owner reserves the right to waive any informality in or to reject any or all Bids if deemed to be in its best interest.
This Advertisement is issued by:
Owner: Acton Water District
By: Chris Allen
Title: District Manager
Date: 11/17/21
After approximately four years of planning, permitting and design, the District’s selected contractor, EDF Renewables out of White River Junction, VT, has finally broken ground on a 4 Mega-Watt (MW) Solar Array off Lawsbrook Road at the District’s well site there. This array is equipped with battery storage and will be connected to Eversource’s power grid on Lawsbrook Road. The majority of the generated power will be purchased by a Massachusetts municipality, with the District off-taking a portion to satisfy the majority of our electrical needs. Additionally, this project will generate land lease revenue which will be used for much needed capital improvements, upgrades and maintenance to the District’s water supply and distribution network. The work is the culmination of many years of planning, as the District voters approved the use of real property at the District’s Annual Meeting in 2014, and the promulgation of a Request for Proposals that was issued back in the fall of 2017, resulting in the selection of GRO Solar, now EDF Renewables. The array will be owned and operated by EDF, with the benefit to the District in the form of lease revenue and lowered power supply costs. We expect that this array will be commissioned in late 2021 to early 2022. Thereafter, EDF will be moving over to the District’s property at 16 Knox Trail to construct a second array rated at 1 MW with battery storage that will be direct power supply to the District’s South Acton Water Treatment Plant (SAWTP) located off High Street. We expect that array to be commissioned in mid-2022. We are thankful to the District voters for approving these projects, the Town of Acton for their collaborative partnership and support of these renewable energy projects, and the local legislative delegation, Senator Jamie Eldridge, Representative Dan Sena and Representative Tami Gouveia, for their assistance in moving the projects along and overall support of renewable energy, a critical aspect of addressing the global climate crisis.
FALL WATER MAIN FLUSHING 2023 (final day of flushing was Monday, 10/30/2023)
The Acton Water District will begin its fall water main flushing program on Monday, October 2, 2023 and continue through the month of October. We will primarily be flushing water mains in North Acton, which is roughly the area northeast of Route 2 in the vicinity of Great Road (Routes 2A/119) and Main Street (Route 27) to the Westford/Carlisle/Littleton town lines. This is inclusive of intersecting streets and neighborhoods.
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, October 9, 2023, due to the Indigenous Peoples’ Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and to clean mineral deposits from the pipes to minimize future incidents of discolored water.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter and Facebook @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Flushing Timeline | ||
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 10/02/2023- 10/31/2023 | |
Phase 1 | 10/02/2023 |
Franklin Place, Brook Street, Nagog Hill Tank |
10/03/2023 |
Davis Road, Bellows Farm Area (Deer Grass, Blue Heron, Brimstone, Wheelwright, Sweetbriar, Old Cart, Farmers Row, Old Oregon Trail & Oxbow). |
10/04/2023 |
Several hydrants near 100 Main Street first thing. Finish Davis Road and Bellows Farm Areas; begin Skyline Drive Area. |
10/05/2023 | Acorn Park Drive and Meyer Hill Drive areas. If time permits, Great Road Condo areas. | |
10/09/2023 | No Flushing - Indigenous Peoples' Day | |
Phase 2 | 10/10/2023 | Chase Path, Sullivan Ln, Mirasol Ln, Quarry Rd, Ledge Rock, Miracle Field, Rex Lane |
10/11/2023 | Northbriar Neighborhood- includes Ashley Cir, Till Dr, Milldam Rd, and surrounding areas. If time permits, Canterbury Hill Road. | |
10/12/2023 | Carlisle, Blueberry Path, Canterbury Hill and surrounding areas. | |
Phase 3 | 10/16/2023 | No flushing |
10/17/2023 | No flushing | |
10/18/2023 | Harris Street, Alexandra Way, Reeve Street and Captain Handley Road; Breezy Point Road as time allows. | |
10/19/2023 | No flushing due to water main break | |
Phase 4 | 10/23/2023 | Nonset Path and Nagog Park areas |
10/24/2023 | Nagog Park Drive, Avalon Drive and Insulet areas | |
10/25/2023 | Finish up Nagog Park Drive, Avalon Bay and Insulet areas | |
10/26/2023 | No flushing | |
Phase 5 | 10/30/2023 | Breezy Point area; low flow flushing on Aspen Lane and Bramble Way; flushing completed |
Acton Water District
April 10, 2023
Notice is hereby given that an application has been made on behalf of the Acton Water District for the approval of MassDEP for the Acton Water District to acquire certain lands or rights of land in the Town of Acton for public water supply protection. Said land is located at 549 Main Street, Acton, MA 01720 and is identified on municipal assessor map #E4 as parcel #47.
As required by Massachusetts General Law Chapter 40 Section 41, the Acton Water District will hold a public hearing. The hearing will be held at the Water District’s offices located 693 Massachusetts Avenue, Acton, MA 01720 on Monday, April 24th, 2023, beginning at 11:00 AM.
The plan showing the land in question is on file at MassDEP (8 New Bond Street, Worcester, MA 01606) and in the office of the Acton Water District and on the public water system’s website. Said plan is entitled 549 Main Street Survey Review Plan – 02-02-2022.
SPRING 2023 WATER MAIN FLUSHING (final day of flushing was Tuesday, 04/25/2023)
The Acton Water District will begin its spring water main flushing program on Monday, April 10, 2023. We will primarily be flushing water mains in Acton Center, which is roughly the area north of Route 2 to the Route 2A/119 corridor and east towards the Concord town line (East Acton).
Customers directly impacted by flushing will be notified via automated phone call prior to the commencement of flushing. Road signs will be placed in the vicinity of the areas being flushed prior to initiating flushing. We will not be flushing on Monday, April 17th due to the Patriots’ Day holiday.
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. Since at any time during this period customers may experience discolored water, it is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing in your area. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and to clean mineral deposits from the pipes to minimize future incidents of discolored water.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Flushing Timeline | ||
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All | 04/10/2023 | |
Phase 1 | 04/10/2023 |
Nagog Hill Road, Hammond, Samuel Parlin, Willis Holden, Newtown Road, Alrington, presidential streets as time allows. |
04/11/2023 |
No flushing |
04/12/2023 |
Presidential streets (Lincoln, Jackson, Madison, Monroe, Washington, Wilson, Coolidge); possibly Evergreen, Larch, Balsam & McKinley as time allows. |
04/13/2023 |
In the areas of Musket, Fife & Drum, Revolutionary, Cowdrey, Heald, Trask, Simon Willard, Minuteman & John Swift |
Phase II | 04/18/2023 |
Huckleberry, Taylor, Coughlin, Partridge Pond, Barker |
04/19/2023 | Nagog Hill Road, Grasshopper, Wood Lane, Concord Road, Minot; possibly Alcott as time allows. | |
04/20/2023 | Alcott Street and surrounding areas, as time allows (Phalen, Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau) | |
Phase III | 04/24/2023 | Magnolia Drive area, Pope Road, Stoneymeade Way |
04/25/2023 | Wetherbee Street, Azalea Ct, Breezy Point, and West Acton Fire Station | |
04/26/2023 | NONE- the Spring 2023 Water Main Flushing program has been completed |
Fall Water Main Flushing 2022 - Final Day of flushing was on 11/08/2022
The Acton Water District will begin its fall water main flushing program on Monday, October 3rd, 2022, and will continue through the month of October. We will not be flushing on Monday, October 10th due to the Columbus Day holiday. We will be flushing water mains southeast of Rt. 2/111 and east of Main Street/Rt 27 (south Acton) to the Maynard town line including High Street, School Street, Parker Street, and interconnecting streets throughout that quadrant of town.
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to when flushing activities commence in your neighborhood. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and removing mineral deposits from water mains to minimize future incidents of discolored water.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Flushing Timeline | ||
(subject to change based on our progress) |
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 10/03/22-10/31/22 | See map of Zones |
Phase 1 | 10/03/2022 |
No flushing |
10/04 to 10/05/22 |
Southern end of Main Street between School Street and the Maynard line |
10/05 to 10/06/22 |
Main Street towards Kelley's Corner, then Beverly, Nadine and Mass Ave to Piper |
Phase 2 | 10/10/2022 |
No Flushing - Columbus Day Holiday |
10/11/2022 |
Mass Ave to Piper, then to School Street |
10/12/2022 |
School Street down Piper |
10/13/2022 |
No flushing |
Phase 3 | 10/17 to 10/20/2022 |
No flushing |
Phase 4 | 10/24/2022 |
No flushing |
10/25 to 10/26/2022 |
Piper, Laurel and Lilac Court; Brucewood, Arborwood, Redwood, Pinewood, Oakwood, Ashwood, Fernwood and Driftwood |
10/27/2022 |
No flushing |
Phase 5 | 10/31/2022 |
Parker Street; Robert Road, Carleton and Jones Circle |
11/01/2022 |
Finishing up in the woods areas (Robinwood, Arborwood, Driftwood, Fernwood) |
11/02/2022 |
School Street to Heritage, Lexington, Bellantoni and Old Colony |
11/03/2022 |
Martin, Maple, Liberty and Stow; possibly Robbins and Billings |
11/07/2022 |
No flushing |
11/08/2022 |
Hillcrest, Carriage, Olde Surrey, Pond View and River |
11/09/2022 |
No flushing |
11/14/2022 |
Flushing complete as of 11/08/2022 |
Spring 2022 Water Main Flushing - West Acton (final day of flushing was Thursday, 5/5/2022)
The Acton Water District will begin its spring water main flushing program on Monday, April 4, 2022, and will continue through the month of April. We will be flushing water mains southwest of Route 2 and west of Main Street (Route 27) to the Boxborough town line. This will include neighborhoods near and adjacent to Massachusetts Ave/Rt 111, Central Street, Arlington Street, Ethan Allen Drive and intersecting streets and neighborhoods (West Acton).
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, April 18th due to the Patriots’ Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for periodic maintenance of water quality and to clean mineral sediment from the pipes.
Maps | 04/04/2022 - TBD | |
04/04/2022 | Ethan Allen Area progressing to Summer Street Area | |
04/05/2022 | Milbery Lane, Summer Street, Duggan Road areas | |
04/06/2022 | Notre Dame, Smart, Towsend, Castle; Macleod Lane and Heather Hill | |
04/07/2022 | Homestead, Kingman and Willow; then progressing to Birch Ridge, Cherry Ridge and Juniper Ridge | |
04/11/2022 | Finish on Birch Ridge and Juniper Ridge; Mass Ave and West Acton Center | |
04/12/2022 | Kinsley, Fraser, Baxter, Caitlan, Arlington, Spruce, Gates School, West Road, Houghton Lane, Central and Elm Streets | |
04/13/2022 | Continuing on Central Street; Elm, Half Moon Hill | |
04/14/2022 | No Flushing | |
04/19/2022 | No Flushing (water main break) | |
04/20/2022 | Indian Village area (Algonquin, Oneida, Seneca, Huron, Mohegan and Cherokee) | |
04/21/2022 |
Finishing in the Indian Village area; Seneca, Agawam, Mohawk and possibly Arlington. |
04/25/2022 | Hayward, Arlington, Freedom Farme and Charter Road areas | |
04/26/2022 | Captain Brown, Captain Forbush, Deacon Hunt, Joseph Reed | |
04/27/20222 | Charter and Hayward to Knowlton onto Mass ave | |
04/28/20222 |
Mass ave to Knowlton and then onto Spencer/Tuttle/Flint neighborhood, Prospect and intersecting streets (dependent on progress) |
05/04/2022 | Central, Downey, Nash, Overlook and Prescott areas | |
05/05/2022 |
Prescott, Overlook, Robbins & Billings areas |
FALL WATER MAIN FLUSHING 2021 (final day of flushing was Thursday, 11/04/2021)
The Acton Water District will begin its fall water main flushing program on Monday, October 4, 2021 and will continue through the month of October. We will be flushing water mains northeast of Rt 2 in the vicinity of Great Road (Rt 2A/119) and Main Street (Rt 27) to the Westford/Carlisle/Littleton town lines, and intersecting streets and neighborhoods (North Acton).
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, October 11, 2021, due to Indigenous Peoples’ Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and to clean mineral deposits from the pipes to minimize future incidents of discolored water.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Please take note that the schedule below is an estimate and as we move along through the flushing sequences, the dates may change. If the water quality is slow to clean up, we will stay in certain areas for longer periods and conversely if the water quality cleans up quicker, we will be able to move into new areas faster. The website will be updated as we move along.
Flushing Timeline | ||
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 10/4/2021- 10/28/2021 | |
Phase 1 | 10/04/2021 |
Franklin Place (headed north on Main Street towards Great Rd), Davis Road, Brook Street, Windingwood, Blue Heron, Bellows Farm area |
10/05/2021 |
Davis Road and Bellows Farm area |
10/06/2021 | Quail Ridge and possibly Acorn Park areas | |
10/07/2021 | Acorn Park, Palmer, Beechnut Street, Chestnut, Great Road (between Main Street & Nagog Park Drive), Meyer Hill Drive, Harris Street, Captain Handley, Alexandra Way, Reeves Street and Samantha Way | |
10/11/2021 | No flushing - Indigenous Peoples' Day | |
Phase 2 | 10/12/2021 | Harris Street off of Main Street, Captain Handley, Alexandra & Samantha Way, Monument, Sullivan & Quarry Road |
10/13/2021 | Monument Place, Northbriar Road, Kate & Til Drive | |
10/14/2021 | Devon Drive, Hartland, Eastern, Preston & John Francis Lane; Ashley & Badger Circle, Wheeler Lane, Milldam & Sawmill Road | |
Phase 3 | 10/18/2021 | Postponed |
10/19/2021 | Postponed | |
10/20/2021 | Postponed | |
10/21/2021 | Postponed | |
Phase 4 | 10/25/2021 | Hartland & Preston Way, Devon & Tinsdale Drive; possibly Canterbury Hill Road |
10/26/2021 | Continuation in the same areas as yesterday, 10/25/2021 | |
10/27 & 10/28/2021 | Carlisle Road, North & South Street, Blueberry Path, Marshall Path & Canterbury Hill Road | |
Phase 5 | 11/01 & 11/02/2021 | Nonset Path, Nagog Park Drive, Nagog Woods & Breezy Point Area |
11/03/2021 | Finishing in Nagog Woods area & Nagog Park; possibly Avalon Bay area | |
11/04/2021 | Final day of fall flushing - Avalon Bay area |
Spring 2021 water main flushing was completed on Thursday, 4/29/2021
The Acton Water District will begin its spring water main flushing program on Monday, April 5, 2021, and will continue through the month of April. We will be flushing water mains southeast of Rt. 2/111, and east of Main Street/Rt 27 (south Acton) to the Maynard town line including High Street, School Street, Parker Street, and interconnecting streets throughout that quadrant of town.
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, April 19th due to the Patriots’ Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and to clean mineral deposits from the pipes to minimize future incidents of discolored water.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Flushing Timeline | ||
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 4/5/2021 - 4/30/2021 | See map of Zones |
Phase 1 | 4/5 |
Zone 1 - Starting on main street near Ace Hardware and moving north to Mass ave. Turning right on Mass ave to Piper Rd and then up to Brucewood |
Phase 2 |
4/5-4/7 |
Zone 1 - Back at main street starting point and head south to school street and river street up to Chadwick. Head up Piper to Brucewood Kelley, Beverly, Doris, Nadine, Francine, Nylander & Abel Jones; School and Piper |
Phase 3 |
4/8 & 4/12 & 4/13 |
Zone 1 - Piper & McGreggor; All of the Woods area over to Hosmer street. Brucewood, Redwood, Arborwood etc. |
Phase 4 |
4/14 & 4/15
Zone 1 - School Street, Maddy Lane, Parker, River and Hosmer School Street toward Lawsbrook Road and side streets to include Lisa Lane, Heritage, Hosmer, Craig and Lexington Drive |
Phase 5 | 4/20 |
Zone 1 - Auto Auction area, Hosmer then to River Street |
Phase 6 | 4/21 |
Zone 2 - Gioconda, River Street and Olde Surrey Area |
Phase 7 | 4/22 |
Zone 2 - Parker Street and Drummer Road areas |
Phase 8 |
4/26 4/27 4/28 |
Zone 3 - Assabet Crossing, Concetta, Broadview and Silverhill areas Faulkner Hill, Audubon, Conant, Country Club Road and Fairway areas Main St from High to the Maynard Line, Sylvia, Pine, Fletcher, Continental and dead ends off Main Street. Possibly Parmley Drive area. |
Phase 9 | 4/29 |
Zone 3 - Main Street towards Adams Street, Robert Rd, Gerald Circle, Parker, Puritan Rd Carlton Dr, Putter |
Phase 10 | T.B.A |
Zone 3 - Powdermill Road, Knox Trail, Heritage Road, Westside Drive, Craig Road |
On Friday, 4/23/2021, at around 9 AM, a contractor completing work for the District will be shutting down the main supply pipe in Main Street at Post Office Square to complete work related to the construction of the Central Acton Water Treatment Plant (CAWTP). This shutdown will isolate the North Acton quadrant from the piping distribution system, and this will impact supply pressure to that quadrant of town, i.e., Great Road/Rt 2A, North Main Street/Rt 27 (north of Brook St), Nagog Park Drive, Nagog Woods, Nonset Path, Robbins Brook, Northbriar, Davis Rd., Canterbury Hill Rd, Carlisle Road, and interconnecting roads and neighborhoods. This shutdown should last 4-6 hours, but may be longer, pending any unforeseen conditions. Supply of water should be sustained throughout the work period, but system pressure in North Acton will be impacted. We apologize for this temporary inconvenience. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete this very important project for sustainability of the water supply to the District.
Click here for map of the impacted area
If you see irrigation systems being used during this time of emergency please let us know either by phone, email or you can fill out our reporting form. The form has no required fields and can be as anonymous as you wish.
Important Water Quality Notice August 2020
This notice is to advise our customers that our water system is in noncompliance with the drinking water treatment standard for arsenic. Although this is not an emergency, you have a right to know what happened and what we are doing to correct this situation.
Proposed Treatment Plant has been 5 years in the works
At the upcoming Special District Meeting on Monday, June 8th, District voters will have to decide whether it is worthwhile to finance an additional $3.1 million to commission the Central Acton Water Treatment Plant (CAWTP) project. This document will help you with that vote.
The Nuclear Metals, Inc. Superfund site located on the Acton/Concord town line has entered its next phase of work. Under the supervision of the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Remedial Design/Remedial Action will be a systematic process that will be defined by a series of technical reports, studies, and remedial work.
Senior Citizen Water Bill Discount Policy
The Water Supply District of Acton is now offering a Senior Citizen Water Bill Discount. Click here for more information.
The master plan is available for download however due to the size there are 2 parts available, the master plan final version and the appendices.
The Acton Water District was featured in a CBS Boston news report on January 31st. Click here to read further.
Spring Water Main Flushing 2019 - North Acton
Please take note that the schedule below is an estimate and as we move along through the flushing sequences, the dates may change. If the water quality is slow to clean up, we will stay in certain areas for longer periods and conversely if the water quality cleans up quicker, we will be able to move into new areas faster. The website will be updated as we move along.
Flushing Timeline | ||
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 4/8/19 - 5/1/19 | |
Phase 1 | 4/8/2019- 4/9/19 |
Starting on Main Street at the intersection of Nagog Hill Road and moving North. Franklin Place, Post Office Square, Brook Street and then on to Great Road |
Phase 2 | 4/10/2019 -4/11/2019 | Davis Road area; Gabriel Lane and Stella Court |
4/15/2019 |
Phase 3 | 4/16/2019-4/17/2019 |
Acorn Park, Meyer Hill and Great Road Condo Area; Harris Street, Alexandra Way, Reeve Street |
Phase 4 | 4/18/2019 |
Finish Harris Street; Samantha Way, Captain Handley Way |
Phase 5 | 4/22/2019-4/23/2019 |
Nagog Park Drive, Northbriar Road |
Phase 6 | 4/24/2019-4/25/2019 | Nara Park, Northbriar Road, Miracle Field, Quarry Road; Canterbury Hill, South Street, Marshall Path and Blueberry Path; Hartland Way, John Francis, Devon, Eastern Road, Preston Way and other roads in same vicinity |
The Acton Water District will begin its spring water main flushing program on Monday, April 8th, 2019, and will continue through the month of April. We will be flushing water mains northeast of Route 2 in the vicinity of Great Road (Routes 2A/119) and Main Street (Route 27) to the Westford/Carlisle/Littleton town lines, and intersecting streets and neighborhoods (North Acton).
Discolored water and periods of low pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of, any of the streets being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street. Areas outside of the flushing zone may also experience some of these conditions, although the program is designed to minimize widespread impacts.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, April 15th due to the Patriots’ Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for improving water quality in our distribution system, exercising valves and hydrants, and to clean mineral deposits from the pipes.
For updates on areas being flushed, please refer to the Water District web site at, or call 978-263-9107, Mon-Fri 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM. You may also follow us on Twitter @Actonwater.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we conduct this necessary maintenance activity.
Fall 2018 Fall Flushing-South Acton
The Acton Water District will begin its fall water main flushing program on Monday, October 1, 2018, and will continue for the entire month of October. We will be flushing water mains in an area generally east of Main Street/Route 27 and south of Route 2 (South Acton). Additional streets in other parts of Acton may be flushed towards the end of October as needed to maintain water quality. Discolored water and periods of low, to no, pressure may be experienced on, or in the general vicinity of any of the streets being flushed. Impacts associated with flushing may be experienced in areas that are not directly being flushed. We will place road signs in the vicinity prior to initiating flushing on any street.
Flushing will occur between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM Monday - Thursday. We will not be flushing on Monday, October 8th due to the Columbus Day holiday. At any time during this period, customers may experience discolored water. It is advisable to draw and store some drinking water prior to flushing. Any customers experiencing discolored water should not launder light-colored clothing, or run their dishwashers, as the minerals in the water may cause staining.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. This process is necessary for the protection of public health and safety. By the periodic removal of sediment in the distribution system, we can maintain water quality and minimize future incidents of discolored water. It also allows us to exercise valves and hydrants to make sure they are operating properly and identify any necessary repairs.
Flushing Timeline | ||
(subject to change based on our progress) |
Phase | Approximate Start Date | Task |
All Phases | 10/1-10/31 | See map of Zones |
Phase 1 | 10/1 |
Starting on Main Street near Ace Hardware and moving north to Mass Ave. Turning right on Mass Ave to Piper Rd and then up to Brucewood |
Phase 2 | 10/2 |
Back at Main Street starting point and head south to School Street and River Street up to Chadwick. Head up Piper to Brucewood |
Phase 3 | 10/3 |
All of the Woods area over to Hosmer Street. Brucewood, Redwood, Arborwood, etc. |
Phase 4 | 10/10 |
School Street toward Lawsbrook Road and side streets to include Lisa Lane and Lexington Drive *Heritage & Pond View may see an impact even though they will not be directly flushed* Lawsbrook Road to the Concord line; Craig Road and Bellantoni |
10/15 |
A water main break on Foster Street will postpone flushing today. |
Phase 5 | 10/16 |
Carriage Drive, Pondview and Gioconda; River, Parker, Hillcrest and Fox Hill Road Parker Street and move toward River |
Phase 6 | 10/17 |
Brookside, Parker towards High Street, Ayer Road, Drummer Road, Silver Hill, Broadview and Valley |
Phase 7 | 10/18 |
High Street from Main Street, Faulkner Hill, Audubon Hill, Conant Street, Country Club |
Phase 8 | 10/22 | Main Street from High to the Maynard Line, Sylvia, Pine, and dead ends off Main Street, Conant Street from Main Street to High Street, Faulkner Hill, Colonial, Farley, Centennial Lane |
Phase 9 | 10/23 - 10/24 | Adams Street, Carlton Drive, Putter, Robert Road, Gerald Circle, Maillet Drive, Puritan Road , Old High Street, Adaline Way, Dunham Lane |
Phase 10 | 10/25 |
Powdermill Road, High Street |
Phase 11 | 10/29-10/31 |
Knox Trail, Heritage Road, Westside Drive, Craig Road, Breezy Point, Monument Place, Northbriar Road |
Phase 12 | 11/1 |
Northbriar Road, Sawmill, Ashley Circle, Mildam Road, Wheeler Lane, Badger Circle |
Phase 13 | 11/5 |
Continue on Northbriar; Monument Place |
Phase 14 | 11/6-11/7 |
Finish Northbriar; Ashley Circle, Wheeler Lane, Monunment & Sullivan |
Phase 15 | 11/7 |
Martha, Monument and Quarry; Avalon areas |
Phase 16 | 11/8 & 11/12 |
11/8-No flushing 11/12-No flushing-Veterans Day Observed |
Phase 17 | 11/13 | Avalon Bay Area |
2018 Rain Barrel Program
Acton residents are eligible to purchase rain barrels at a discounted rate for the first fifty (50) buyers!
Spring 2018 Water Main Flushing
The Acton Water District began its spring water main flushing program on Monday, April 9, 2018. Primarily, flushing will be to the water mains in Acton Center. This is roughly an area bounded by Route 2 north to the Route 2A/119 corridor and east towards the Concord town line (East Acton). Flushing was completed on April 25, 2018.
Request for Proposals on the Development of a Solar Energy Project
The purpose of this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is to seek proposals from qualified and experienced renewable energy developers.
Seasonal Outdoor Water Use Bylaw Update
The Massachusetts Drought Management Task Force met again on May 9th to evaluate current conditions, including the precipitation that occurred in April and early May. It was recommended that the drought declaration for all parts of Massachusetts be lifted and conditions returned to normal.
Parker Street Culvert replacement and road closure May 26, 2017
During the course of the Parker Street culvert replacement, the main 8” water pipe that traverses the brook will be shut off. Due to an alteration of flow dynamics, this may cause some discoloration of water in the general vicinity of Parker St, School St, River St, and the Carriage-Hillcrest neighborhood. Any discoloration should subside once the system reaches equilibrium. The work to shutdown this pipe will take place this week, weather permitting, and this will last several weeks to support the replacement of the culvert. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Aerial Drone Flyover of the South Acton Water Treatment Plant
The South Acton Water Treatment Plant has been operating at a high level of efficiency for two years. The primary purpose of the plant is the removal of naturally occurring iron & manganese from five of the District’s wells. The plant filters about 40% of the District’s supply. Please enjoy this brief aerial tour
2017 Spring Flushing Program
Our spring water main flushing program began Tuesday, April 11, 2017. We will be flushing water mains southwest of Route 2 and west of Route 27/Main St (West Acton). The flushing finished up on 05/04/17.
2017 Rain Barrel Program
Acton residents were eligible to purchase rain barrels at a discounted rate for the first fifty (50) buyers! The program ended on 4/29/17 and was a huge success this year.
Fall Water Main Flushing to begin October 3rd, 2016
The Acton Water District will begin its fall water main flushing program on Monday, October 3, 2016, and will continue for the entire month of October. Due to drought conditions and our current outdoor water use ban, adjustments to this plan may be necessary as we get into October. Flushing finished up on 10/20/16
Water Main Break on the Town of Concords supply line located in Acton on Great Road/2A (9/7/2016)
A water main break has occured on the Concords Water Main located in Acton on Great Road. The town of Concord is on site for repairs and some customers in Acton that are served by Concord will be without water.
Indian Village Water Main Upgrade
The Indian Village and Littlefield Road Water Main Improvement has been put on hold due to superseding priorities. This project may be revisited in the spring of 2017.
RainBarrel Program 2016
Acton residents had the opportunity to purchase The Great American Rain Barrel at discounted prices.
South Acton Transmission Line and High Street Main upgrade
This project was completed in May 2015
South Acton Water Treatment Plant Construction
The SAWTP was finished in June 2015, this page contains construction updates. However the permanent page for all information current to the SAWTP can be found by clicking here.
Stow Street Water Main
The contractor, Onyx Corporation of Acton, has completed this project.
Lead information sheet
The recent problem in Flint, MI has prompted questions from the public, this web page contain information as it relates to Acton and other resources for you to learn more about Lead.
Manganese Fact Sheet
This fact sheet is intended to inform you about manganese in drinking water, typical concentrations, its contribution to overall manganese exposure in humans, especially infants, and provide guidance on health protective limits in drinking water.
2015 Sodium Results
The Acton Water District conducts annual sampling of all wells for sodium. The most recent results entering our distribution system can be seen here.
Acton residents have the opportunity to purchase The Great American Rain Barrel at discounted prices.
The Acton Water District (AWD) is aware that customers have received a direct solicitation from HomeServe USA Repair Management Corp (HomeServe).
Sustained pressure that exceeds 80 psi can damage on-site plumbing systems and may affect your water fixtures. Some areas of our system do exceed this pressure and you may consider having a licensed plumber install a pressure-reducing valve at your home.
Our water system recently violated a monthly drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation.
Onyx Corp will be shutting down a small portion of Main Street today at the intersection of Hayward Road. Some discoloration may be experienced due to an abnormal hydraulic configuration.
Water Quality Report Available
The latest water quality report summarizing water samples collected throughout our system in 2013 is available at Please share this information with other users of water in your home, business, or neighborhood. If you require an alternate form of this report or have questions on the information contained in it, please contact Matthew Mostoller, Environmental Manager at 978-263-9107 or
Our water system recently violated a monthly drinking water standard. Although this incident was not an emergency, as our customers, you have a right to know what happened and what we did to correct this situation.
The Value of Water - #valueofwater
The Water Supply District of Acton has partnered with the Great American Rain Barrel Company in Hyde Park, MA to offer recycled barrels to residents as part of a community wide water conservation program.
Contractor Mobilized to Hayward Road (Updated May 19, 2014)
Contractor will be doing some additional Water Main Upgrades on Hayward Road.
We routinely monitor monitor for drinking water contaminants. During the month of November 2013, 2 of our routine samples showed the presence of total coliform bacteria.