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Senior Citizen Water Bill Discount Policy

Senior Citizen Water Bill Discount Policy


The Water Supply District of Acton offers a Senior Citizen Water Bill Discount that entitles seniors having low-to-moderate incomes to a reduction in their water bills.  This discount is available to water users aged 65 and over who own their own residence and have an individually metered water service.

To apply for this discount customers must first receive approval for the Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption offered by the Town of Acton.  Applicants for this exemption must satisfy income and asset requirements specified by the Town, and requests for an exemption can be submitted to the Town’s Assessor’s Office.  Information about this program is available at 978-929-6621 or through the following link:

Following the approval of an exemption by the Town Assessor, customers can then submit a copy of their Certificate of Exemption from the Town of Acton and a copy of their tax bill to the Acton Water District, and the completed Senior Citizen Abatement Application.  The District will then authorize a water bill abatement in the same percentage as the real estate tax exemption, utilizing the winter reading cycle for the calculation.  The abatement will be applied to the next water bill.  Abatements will expire after one year, but can be renewed annually.  For more information, please contact the Water District at 978-263-9107, or you can email our Treasurer/Collector: