Dear New Customer:
Welcome to Acton! The Acton Water District is pleased to have you as a customer. The District is a public entity, created in 1912 , separate from the town of Acton, to provide drinking water and fire protection to the inhabitants of Acton. We welcome you to visit us at our main office located at 693 Massachusetts Avenue in West Acton any time between 7:30 AM and 4 PM Monday through Friday. Additionally you may follow us on Twitter@ActonWater or utilize our website Although we have your name and address, we encourage you to register and sign up to receive periodic emails and important communications from us through our Partner 'WaterSmart' software. You will need your account number to register. The District has an active water conservation and efficiency program in order to best manage the use of our limited water resources. We have prepared this page of informational materials to help you better understand our water conservation programs, find out about where your water comes from and how we treat it, and to provide required information about drinking water and your health.
We would also like to familiarize you with the responsibilities you have for water service to your home or business. Our complete Rules & Regulations are available for further information. Most importantly, the water line from the edge of your property into your building is your responsibility to maintain and replace if necessary. You also need to protect your water meter from freezing and prevent backflow from your property into the potable water system.
The Acton Water District supplies ninety-five percent of the town with potable water from twenty-two wells located in Acton’s groundwater aquifers. The District can have difficulty to keep up with demand during the spring and summer peak-use seasons, and as Acton's population increases. To help manage demand, we have regular outdoor water use restrictions that are in effect every May 1 through October 1. During very high-demand days, the water level in storage tanks can drop, causing decreases in pressure in certain residences. Should storage tank levels drop too low, the District will be faced with going beyond our regular outdoor water use restrictions and imposing a ban on all outdoor water uses in order to ensure adequate water for basic residential use and emergency use (such as fire-fighting). Resources to help property owners design and maintain water efficient landscapes and homes are available here and at our office.
You will be billed by the Acton Water District quarterly. The District’s water rates are set to encourage water conservation. We have inclining block rates which are slightly higher during the peak demand season, in order to encourage water conservation. The more water you conserve, the more you save, particularly during the high-demand months. The bill also has a $15 per quarter service fee and a variable debt fee, this is used to pay down long term debt, mainly incurred for the construction of new treatment plants and necessary improvements to the piping distribution system. Additional information about your bill and the charges associated with it can be found here.
We have regular outreach opportunities and incentives for all our customers to become educated and efficient users of water. Such opportunities include customer home or irrigation system audits, educational events, rain barrel programs, conservation retrofit give-aways, rebates for toilets and washing machines, and outreach programs in the community. You will also receive two newsletters from us throughout the year outlining our annual water quality testing results and announcing our Annual District meeting. We encourage you to participate as fully as you can.
We hope that you find the materials here helpful! Please do not hesitate to call or visit us at our headquarters in West Acton.
Matthew Mostoller, District Manager