There are several reasons why you’d want to be able to locate and read your water meter. First, you might be interested in just how much water you use in a day. By reading your meter at the beginning and the end of the day you can compare the two totals to tell how much water you and your family used. The second reason is to check for leaks. If you turn off all the taps in your house, look at your meter and it is still turning, chances are you have a leak somewhere. Here are some hints to help you find and read your water meter.
We have many different generations of water meters in the system, please match your meter to one of the pictures below for more information. If you need assistance in identifying your meter, please call the office. (Click here for information regarding the alternative to the standard Badger automated meter reading (AMR) technology.)
Most meters are located in the basement. On the black cover it will read “Badger Meter” . |
The face of the meter will look similiar to the image above. The Blue Dial is the leak indicator, if you are sure there is no water being used in the house and this dial is still moving ever so slowly, you have a leak. This register shows that we are reading in cubic feet and that the actual reading is 52321.99, for billing purposes we drop the decimal places and would bill on 52,321. |
The Badger Meter E-Series Ultrasonic meters use a nine-digit Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) to show consumption, flow rate and alarm information. The Ultrasonic meter's display illuminates when the register cover is opened. After a period of time, the display will revert to sleep mode. You can alternate the display between total flow and rate of flow mode by touching the optical display switch or by closing and opening the meter's lid. More info on this meter can be found here |
The display automatically toggles between four modes: More info on this meter can be found here |